Beyza (Gegebener Name)
Auf unserer Website haben 124 Menschen mit dem Namen Beyza ihren Namen mit Sternen 4 (5 ist maximal) bewertet. Sie scheinen sehr zufrieden mit diesem Namen zu sein! Englischsprachige Leute haben Schwierigkeiten mit der Aussprache dieses Namens.
Spitznamen von Beyza sind Mildred, Beysosch und Beyzala.
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Bedeutung von Beyza
Die Bedeutung von Beyza ist: "sehr weiß".
Beyza♀ 36 Jahre alt 29-07-2012★★★★★Hey OlivierThank you for taking the time to
coemnmt on this issue. Much appreciated. AND the
disclaimer; should it not be obvious by now, I do
indeed work for Y!.>>When we run web analytics, we
don't rarely focus on the individual user if
ever.I actually agree with you than we, the
practitioners, and we, the vendors, rarely focus
on the individual. However; and that tends to be
the issue, it is in that _rare case_ that you want
to make sure that you are transparent. If not, we
give people the false indication of us not
collecting PII when we in fact do.Most web
analytics solutions today are moving towards not
just visits based systems, but more true visitor
based systems, which includes full and rich
visitor profiles. Profiles that are either used
for off-site re-targeting or even on-site
real-time targeting. So rare might even become
more common.>>Yahoo's move seems much more PR
orientatedSince I advocated for this inside Y!, I
can honestly say that this is less about PR (not
to much value here anyway) and actually just about
transparency (believe me, we hype everything
else.. he he).So to conclude, I actually think you
are right, it is rare that practitioners use PII
and people are to some degree always tracked .BUT
:-) I do think that it is a decent thing to inform
that you track people and if they don’t like it,
give them an option to opt-out. Cheers :-)Dennis